Data collection and analysis is key to ensuring a successful change program, and CCG Analytics has developed sophisticated change assessment tools. We seek data that is statistically relevant for the organisation concerned, able to accurately define the needs and nuances of demographic, functional and geographic areas of an organisation, and that is able to accurately identify internal and external risks to a change program.

CCG Analytics uses a variety of tools to collect data on organisations, including interviews, focus groups and workshops (like our Leading Change product). We also use The Barrett Values Centre Corporate Transformation Tools (“CTT”), which is an online tool for collecting statistically relevant data in large organisations.

CCG is accredited as a Level 2 Senior Consultant by The Barrett Values Centre in the United States.  The Barrett tools are outstanding in the context of change consulting.  They are able to provide good data within the specific context of large-scale change engagements; they are cost effective; they are able to be delivered online as well as on paper (sometimes this is required in factory or industrial environments); and they can be customised to take various client needs and contexts into account.

The purpose of the Barrett tools is to provide detailed organisational analysis so that we can accurately measure and manage organisational culture, operational efficiency and build leadership and change capability.  An outcome of using these powerful tools is a set of guidelines that can support leaders in building high-performance, values-driven cultures, that attract and retain talented people and increase staff engagement.

CTT surveys provide accurate diagnostic data to support the planning and management of:


  • Organisational change initiatives.
  • Culture transformation programs.
  • Employee engagement surveys and interventions.
  • Diversity engagements.
  • Talent management programs.
  • Leadership development initiatives.
  • Pre- and post-merger integration work.

CTT has been used by a number of South African corporations (including Nedbank, Coca-Cola Shanduka Beverages, The Clicks Group, Exxaro, and Business Connexion) and the South African government as well as Australian companies and the state (including ANZ, CommInsure, ASIC, and National Archives of Australia) . It is very well received and highly regarded as an accurate and value adding tool.

“The whole system approach provided by The Barrett Values Centre tools has
rovided our organisation with an extraordinarily powerful practical
for guiding and driving transformation in every aspect of our organisation.”

Tom Boardman, former CEO, The Nedbank Group

Key Attributes of the Barrett Corporate Transformation Tools

Individuals, teams, and organisations

CTT can be used for culture change assessment, enterprise transformation design and delivery, individual coaching, and team and leadership development.

Short survey

The CTT assessment instruments are available on-line and require only 15-20 minutes to complete.

Bespoke solution

The CTT assessment instruments can be customised to the specific cultural and demographic needs of the groups being surveyed

Rich data

The depth and accuracy of the assessment data is determined by the number of data cuts or demographic categories that are chosen by the client. There is no limit to the number of data cuts or demographic categories you can choose.

Multiple Languages

The survey is currently available in multiple languages or written dialects. Additional languages can easily be added.

Bespoke solution

The CTT assessment instruments can be customised to the specific cultural and demographic needs of the groups being surveyed


CTT is affordable for both small and large organisations. Costs are based on the number of reports requested, not the number of survey participants. Reduced fees are available for developing countries and for primary and secondary educational institutions.

For more information on CCG Analytics and the work that we do on organisational assessment and data analysis, please contact us here.