We are proud to announce that Stephen Rothgiesser, Practice Lead: CCG Advisory is speaking on Stakeholder Management and Partnership Facilitation in the Context of a Complex South African Labour Environment at the Knowledge Resources Industrial Relations Conference in...
CCG Learn is proud to announce the addition of three new presentations to our learning portfolio. These have been offered as bespoke solutions for CCG clients previously (either as keynote presentations or internal learning experiences) and we have reworked the...
Recently CCG gave a keynote presentation to a group of senior executives who are struggling with the appropriate response to strategy implementation in their organisation. We were struck by the importance of three key change concepts that delegates repeatedly asked...
In last week’s newsfeed, we proposed that a more sophisticated understanding of the strategy process was to separate strategy formulation from strategy implementation. In order to provide some initial thoughts and theory in this regard, we would like to share...
A key purpose of this newsfeed is to stimulate discussion and debate around some of the challenges associated with change and strategy implementation. Part of this process is about sharing our experiences and areas of concern with our listeners, and part of this...